System Requirements Address Book is available only for Macintosh computers. It runs under System release 6 and subsequent System releases up to and including System 7.5. It is compatible with Quadras and PowerMacs. If you need a DOS or Windows address list manager, call and we'll be happy to recommend some. When you open a list, Address Book reads the entire list into memory; the larger the list, the more memory is required. Although it is possible to use Address Book with FDHD floppy drives (1.4 megabytes) the recommended configuration is a hard disk and at least 1 megabyte of memory. To keep the Desk Accessory relatively small and usable on Macs with 1 meg. of memory, it does not have all the features of the application version. If you are using System 7 or System 6 with MultiFinder and have 2 megs or more, you will probably find the application version of Address Book is the best choice; you will seldom have a use for the Desk Accessory. Just leave the application open. System 7 In System 7, you can make an alias of the Address Book application and/or your list files and put them in the Apple Menu Items folder. Use the Address Book DA only if you need to save memory, or you want to have two Address lists open at the same time. System 6 with Multifinder Most people won't need the Address Book DA. Use QuicKeys or a program launch utility to provide quick access to the Address Book application. If you have 2 meg. or more RAM and run MultiFinder, with an application launcher such as QuicKeys you can use the application and have all the convenience of the Desk Accessory and the printing and exporting capabilities of the Address Book Application.